Reproductive Services
Services for novice and professional breeders.
At Brittmoore Animal Hospital, we offer a variety of canine reproductive services for dog breeders and owners alike. Let our team of skilled veterinarians assist you with your dog’s reproductive needs.
- Pre-breeding Consultation and Evaluation
- Brucellosis Testing
- Progesterone Testing
- Vaginal Cytology
- Breeding Management
- Artificial Insemination
- Surgical Insemination
- Transcervical Insemination
- Pregnancy Diagnosis by Ultrasound
- "Puppy Count" by Digital Radiology
- Dystocia Management
- Cesarean Section
- Neonatal Care & Education
- Semen Collection & Evaluation
- Semen Shipment
- Semen Collection, Freezing, & Storage
- Conventional Spay/Neuter
We require authorization to freeze, destroy, and change ownership of stored canine sperm. Please fill out the relevant client form and bring it with you to your scheduled appointment:
If you’d like to learn more about the canine reproductive services we offer, call us at (713) 468-8253.